Coursework Writing- What additional information would you need to know to compare the developmental skills of the two children?

Coursework Writing- What additional information would you need to know to compare the developmental skills of the two children?

All of us have witnessed problem behavior in a variety of settings. Many people are familiar with this situation in the checkout line at the grocery store!


A four-year-old child walks to the checkout line with her mother and asks, “Mommy, can I have some candy?” Mom, says, “No, it is almost dinner time.” The child proceeds to scream, cry, and kick for several minutes. Mom then gives in and buys her the candy. The little girl quits crying and happily eats the candy.


Using the A-B-C’s of Behavior you learned in this week’s Web Resources, analyze this situation and discuss what you hypothesize is happening. Thoroughly explain your reasoning in order to defend your answer.


You need to specifically discuss:


· Address any “setting” events that may have affected the antecedent, and if so how?


· What is the antecedent (A) of the behavior?


· What is the behavior (B) under study in objective, measurable terms?


· What is the consequence (C) that is maintaining the behavior?


· What is your hypothesized function of the behavior (e.g., what is the child trying to GET or ESCAPE from)? Support your hypothesis.


This question comes from the video of the child you observed.  What additional information would you need to know to compare the developmental skills of the two children?

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