Coursework Writing-Principle of management

Coursework Writing-Principle of management

Creating and Managing Teams

Few trends have influenced how work gets done in organizations as much as the use of work teams. Organizations are increasingly structuring work around teams rather than individuals. Managers need to understand what influences team performance and satisfaction

Without communication, nothing would ever get done in organizations. Managers are concerned with two types of communic9ation: interpersonal and organizational. We look at both in this chapter and the role they play in a manager’s ability to be efficient and effective.

In this chapter’s ethical dilemma, students are to consider what happens when colleagues or even your boss wants to “friend” you on a social network site. Is it okay to provide people you know in a professional sense a “window into your personal life”? What ethical issues might arise in such a situation? In this chapter, the distinction is made between formal communication and informal communication. Most people would see Facebook as informal communication (even though we have already discussed the use of Facebook as a recruiting tool for Ernst & Young). Employees have the right to decline others access to their personal information on social networking site, unless the site is dedicated for company use. Students should also be aware that perspective employers might also want access to their social networking information to learn more about an applicant.

14-11. What do you think? Is it okay to provide people you know in a professional sense a “window into your personal life”?

14-12. What ethical issues might arise in such a situation?

14-13. Describe how technology affects managerial communication and organizations

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