Coursework Writing-Narrative In Speaker Notes

Coursework Writing-Narrative In Speaker Notes

Develop a brief PowerPoint presentation (4–5 slides) that will acquaint your classmates with the test/assessment of your choice. In the Notes section of presentation, include a narrative explaining each slide.

Each slide should contain at least 3 bullet points. Focus on elements of the assessment that you would like to learn more about. You may use the same test for your Test Critique due in Module/Week 7. You may find tests by viewing the publisher web sites, Pearson Assessment or Multi Health Systems. They provide all the information you need for the assignment e.g., what the test is used for, population served, time to complete, cost, etc.

Select a test that you are knowledge about and can write a future paper on! I would like you to select the  Wechsler scales. It is also called the WAIS-IV which is Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Fourth Edition (WAI

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