Coursework Writing-career information delivery systems

Coursework Writing-career information delivery systems

More and more clients are facing career transitions and are seeking career counseling services that require career information delivery systems (CIDS) Some of these are private and many others are found in national and state departments of labors. In this Application Assignment, you will explore information having to do with CIDS and job search sites and sources of information.

Review the information in the course text on the career information delivery systems and job search information sources.


Explore a variety of sources in each of the three categories: 1) National or State CIDS; 2) Occupational Information Systems; and 3) Internet Job Search/Career Information Sites.

Investigate sources  beyond  the text. Be sure each URL is current and active.

Evaluate the usefulness of the sites for your population group, using the following criteria:

· What client needs am I meeting?

· Do the research evidence, theoretical perspective, and norm populations meet the needs of my clients?

· How user friendly is the site for my clients?

· Are the language, age, and education level appropriate?

· Does the means of communicating information fit your clients’ needs (e.g., text vs. video, static vs. interactive)?

· Can my clients navigate the system efficiently?

· Does the system include occupational information about jobs that my clients may desire (e.g., industry, educational preparation, social class)?

· Does the cost (if any) facilitate its use with your clients?

Based on this analysis, select at least three sites/sources of information: one from each category listed above.

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