Cost estimation: High-low method and Least Squares (10 Marks)

  • Explain how a scattergraph is used to separate a mixed cost into its fixed and variable components.

(2 Mark)

Month Number of Patients Admitted Admitting Department Costs
May………………………………. 1,800 $14,700
June………………………………. 1,900 $15,200
July……………………………….. 1,700 $13,700
August……………………………. 1,600 $14,000
September………………………… 1,500 $14,300
October…………………………… 1,300 $13,100
November………………………… 1,100 $12,800
December………………………… 1,500 $14,600
  • The administrator of Aztec Hills Hospital would like a cost formula linking the administrative costs involved in admitting patients to the number of patients admitted during a month. The Admitting  Department’s cost and the number of patients admitted during the immediately preceding eight months  are given in the following table:


  1. Use the high-low method to estimate the fixed and variable components of admitting costs. (2 Marks)
  1. Express the fixed and variable components of admitting costs as a cost formula in the form Y = a + bX (1 Mark)
  • Given a choice between a high-low method, a scattergraph or regression analysis, which method would you prefer to separating a mixed cost into its fixed and variable components? Why? (2 Marks)
  • Explain the concept of the relevant range. Howe does a company’s relevant range differ from the steps found in a step cost?

(2 Marks)

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