Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Essay for Skills for Business: A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Essay for Skills for Business: A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Essay for Skills for Business

Essay question: A business’s only responsibility is to produce profits. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Students are marked out of a total of 30 points (20 for content, 10 for referencing).

Mark scheme for content (up to 20 points):

Level Descriptors Marks Assessment Objectives
4 Evaluation: for 5 marks in this section, students should give their opinion and answer the question: to what extent they agree or disagree with the statement. For 5 points, the student gives an opinion backed with reasoning and justification. Students need to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of CSR against each other. Suggestions are supported by examples.

1-2 – one sided argument no basis for the argument

3-4 – two sided but no weighting, includes a conclusion

5 – weighted argument is used and includes two sided justifications with a conclusion.

1-5 A04
3 Analysis: for 5 marks in this section, students should explain both the advantages and disadvantages of CSR, as well as some challenges that may exist.

1-2: stating an argument, no explanation

3-4: argument stated but attempts some analysis

5: attempts to analyse are supported with counter/alternative views/evidence

1-5 A03
2 Application: for 5 marks in this section, students need to provide examples of what could go right or wrong with CSR.

0 – Remains theoretical

1 – 2: Makes a statement, no support

3-4: Statement is supported by some theory/academic evidence but left wanting more

5: Statement is well supported, not left wanting more

1-5 A02
1 Knowledge: for 5 marks in this section, students need to demonstrate a good understanding of CSR. Students need to define the term.

1- Listed or very basic

2- Definitions only.

3 – good understanding but not always in context of answer e.g. irrelevant to answer but not incorrect

4 – good understanding, answer in context

5- not left wanting more

1-5 A01

Mark scheme for Harvard Style Referencing (up to 10 points):

Level Descriptors Marks Assessment Objectives
4 Accurate Harvard style referencing, using at least 4 references. In-text referencing is correct, as well as the end of text bibliography. 7-10 A04
3 Partially accurate Harvard style referencing, using at least 3 references and a bibliography of at least 2 sources at the end. 5-6 A03
2 Mistakes, using only 2 or so references 3-4 A02
1 Lack of referencing or many mistakes 1-2 A01

Students are marked out of a total of 30 points (20 for content, 10 for referencing).

Word count: 1000 words + – 10% leniency. Students should write between 900-1100 words. If there are more than 1100 words, the grade will be lowered by 10%. Appendices and end of text references are not included in the word count.

Additional guidelines for tutors for marking:

Every essay will be different. Some will focus on theory and some will use more practical examples instead. Key components to look for in the essay include the following:

· Key business vocabulary has been defined (CSR and other key terms as relevant),

· Choosing a clear opinion and actually ANSWERING the question (ie, to what extent does the student agree).

· Advantages and disadvantages of focusing on profits or of focusing on CSR (students should show that they can see both sides of the argument).

· Examples are used to support opinions.

· Mentioning the impact on the business. What are the costs/benefits for the business of deciding to engage in CSR, or of deciding not to engage in CSR?

· If the student disagrees with the statement, they should use examples of companies to illustrate why.

· The students who agree with this statement tend to write a more theoretical essay (perhaps also drawing from economic theory). They may use fewer examples of companies, which is acceptable.

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