Concert Report Homework Help-Legibly write a brief narrative summarizing the two pieces listed above. Choose among these items to discuss: Describe mode, meter, tempo, dynamics, texture. Was the music more consonant or dissonant?

Concert Report 2


Name: _____________   Date:_______  Class/Section_______


Composition #1:

Name of Composer:


Movements/ Tempo markings, if through-written, just leave blank:

  1. III.
  2. IV.


Name any solo voice or featured instruments:

Legibly write a brief narrative summarizing the two pieces listed above. Choose among these items to discuss: Describe mode, meter, tempo, dynamics, texture. Was the music more consonant or dissonant? Did it have frequent accents, syncopation or modulation? Did the melodies move more in conjunct or disjunct motion? Was there a voice or instrument timbre that affected you emotionally?

Composition #1 Narrative:



Composition #2:

Name of Composer:


Movements/ Tempo markings, if through-written, just leave blank:

  1. III.
  2. IV.


Name any featured (solo) instruments or vocalists:

Legibly write a brief narrative summarizing the two pieces listed above. Choose among these items to discuss: Describe mode, meter, tempo, dynamics, texture. Was the music more consonant or dissonant? Did it have frequent accents, syncopation or modulation? Did the melodies move more in conjunct or disjunct motion? Was there a voice or instrument timbre that affected you emotionally?


Composition #2 Narrative:



Choose one of the COMPOSERS (John Berry or Sammy Nestico). Find a YouTube video of a performance of a different work written by the same composer, and answer the following questions. Sorry to yell, but so many have made this mistake. DO NOT LOOK UP A DIFFERENT RECORDING OF A PIECE YOU HEARD IN THIS CONCERT.  FIND SOMETHING DIFFERENT BY THIS COMPOSER, IN ORDER TO DO A COMPARE/CONTRAST OF THE WRITING STYLES AND PIECES.


Name of composer selected:

Name of composition by the composer chosen:


  • Is the YouTube work in a similar or different style from the performance you heard by the same composer? What is similar or different about the musical style?
  • Compare the execution of each composition. Did one performance feature more highly skilled performers? If so, which performance featured more highly skilled performers?
  • What are the benefits of attending a live concert, and what are the benefits of listening to recordings of performances? Compare each listening experience.
  • Do you enjoy music by this composer? Describe what you like or dislike about this composer using examples from both selections.
  • Which selection do you like better? Describe what you like about it.



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