compares and contrasts cultures



Write a paper using resources on GLOBE, that compares and contrasts the cultures from the table below. Use three sources to support your analysis of the two cultures. This paper should be a maximum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. APA format, 12pt Times Roman font.

Dimension El Salvador Mexico
Performance Orientation · Globe score: 3.72

· Below average range score

· Modest driven society

· Globe score: 4.1

· High score of 69 on Hofstede comparison

· Masculine society valuing hard-work and competition

Uncertainty Avoidance · Globe score: 3.62

· Formal approach to communication

· Very adamant about creating change

· Globe score: 4.18

· There’s no room for innovation

· People are motivated to work for security

In-Group Collectivism · Globe score: 3.71

· Indirect approach to communication

· Relationships and networking are of high value

· Globe score: 4.06

· Loyalty is of great value

· Social behavior is weighed on duties and obligations

Power Distance · Globe score: 5.68

· Score of 66 on Hofstede 6-D model

· Authoritarian and hierarchical leadership

· Globe score: 5.22

· Score of 81 on Hofstede model

· Power is corrupt and coerced

Gender Egalitarianism · Globe score: 3.16

· Below average score of 3.37 on the 1-to-7 scale, for modern day practices

· Females have less authority roles in the workforce

· Globe score: 3.64

· Moderate range score

· Occupational sex segregation

Humane Orientation · Globe score: 3.71

· Moderate range score

· Society is driven by tenacity and fairness

· Globe score: 4.1

· Work relationships are viewed as extended family

· Disputes/conflicts are fought through fairly

Institutional Collectivism · Globe score: 5.35

· High range score

· Critical decisions are made by groups with high authority

· Globe score: 5.71

· Rewards driven by emphasis on equity

· Managers are autonomous

Future Orientation · Globe score: 3.8

· High score of 89 on Hofstede 6-D model, indicating indulgence

· Optimistic society

· Globe score: 3.87

· Tendency to separate wealth from actual well-being

· Value leisure time

Assertiveness · Globe score: 4.62

· Competitiveness is proven by results

· Conservative

· Globe score: 4.45

· Value competition and success

· Indirect approach to communication- offence leads to shame

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