Compare the role of the diverse university curriculum in the compensation projects of both Taylor and Boxil

I didn’t realize in class how profound the suggestions for this week’s review topic were (I’m thinking of the last thirty or so minutes of class).  I will be modifying the conclusion we reached at the very end of class to incorporate this realization.

Prompt: Compare the role of the diverse university curriculum in the compensation projects of both Taylor and Boxill.  Write an essay that speaks to the following: 

The nature of the specific past injustice that calls for compensation—what wrong needs to be “righted”?
The nature of the compensation—what is offered as compensation?  The possession of what thing would “right” the wrong?
The contribution of the diverse curriculum to the achievement of compensation. Boxill’s brief comments on the diverse curriculum are on p. 603, and these comments should be read in light of Boxill’s stress on the “older argument,” p. 596.  Taylor’s comments begin on p. 65.

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