To compare the departure security systems between Australian airports and other countries and how this can be improved (passenger from counter to the gate different between domestic and international flight, compare to the other city how to make it better)

To compare the departure security systems between Australian airports and other countries and how this can be improved (passenger from counter to the gate different between domestic and international flight, compare to the other city how to make it better).


This is a team project, you just need to do the part of Methods/procedures, Literature review & references.

the references can you please choose the website to use because I need to show and open it to my teammate and lecture, if you choose the book I can’t show it to my team, thanks, you should have a look our research plan, is base on it to write this assignment. thanks a lot


  1. Introduction
  2. Methods/procedures
  3. Literature review
  4. Discussion
  5. Conclusions
  6. Recommendations
  7. References
  8. Appendices




How to write?


  1. Describing methods or procedures
  • Shows the rigor of your research
  • Validity & reliability issues
  • be clear and direct, concise and straight to the
  • point do not to stray off into irrelevance
  • should be written in chronological order
  • used the past tense
  • should be written in an objective style
  • the focus should be on the action, not the person doing the action
  • use the passive voice
  1. What is a literature review?
  • Literature
    • journal articles, research reports, government reports, textbooks and other scholarly publications
  • Review
    • the selection, presentation, interpretation, classification & evaluation of what others have written on a topic
  1. Why do a literature review?
  • Demonstrate knowledge
  • Justify the need for your research project
  • Provide background
  • Link your topic to the field
  1. Body paragraphs of literature review
  • Can be organized:
    • Historically or chronologically
    • In order of significance
    • According to research questions
    • Thematically
  1. Discussion
  • The ‘so what?’ section of your project report
  • Your interpretation, evaluation, judgement, assessment of the findings as they relate to the research question/focus
  1. Conclusions
  • Clear & concise summary
  • Refer back to aim/purpose of the paper or project
  • State the significance/ relevance/implications of your findings
  1. Recommendations
  • Emerge from conclusions
  • Brief, persuasive statements
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