Compare and Contrast Medicaid Expansion in 3 States

Compare and Contrast Medicaid Expansion in 3 States – 20%

This Assignment includes 3 tasks:

· A Compare & Contrast of 3 Medicaid expanded states,

· Noting changes and updates to the Medicaid Program in those 3 states, and

· Drafting a Policy Memo to the Governor regarding Medicaid expansion in TX.

Under the Affordable Care Act and with clarification from a June 2012 Supreme Court Decision, states may opt to Expand Medicaid to include individuals at 138% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and under age 65. Philosophical, political, and budgetary considerations weigh heavily on a state’s decision to or not to Expand. Using Fact Sheets developed for Indiana, Arkansas, Iowa, Montana, Michigan, New Hampshire, Utah, and Tennessee by the Kaiser Family Foundation

Compare and Contrast the Medicaid Expansion Program details in 3 of these states. Students should provide a thoughtful analysis and avoid simply stating the facts as documented in the Kaiser reports. The Assignment is limited to no more than 10 double spaced pages.

Students will also include in this Assignment a review of the Kaiser report Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2016 and 2017 Full Report – to provide in the analysis information pertinent to (budgetary issues, policies, coverage, eligibility, etc.) to the Medicaid Program in the 3 states selected to Compare and Contrast.

The final part of the Assignment requires you to write a short (maximum of 3 double spaced pages) Policy Memo. Assume that you are the State Medicaid Director of a state that has NOT expanded Medicaid. You should address your Policy Memo to the state’s Governor providing your rationale and conclusions on whether the state should or should not expand Medicaid.


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