compare and contrast the different methods and processes of identifying community issues and community intervention strategies, highlighting the implications on Indigenous community work practice.

· Overview of Assessment 4

Description: Research essay

Value:  40%

Length:  2,000 words

Due Date/s:

External/Internal Workshop
Week 13:  Friday 20 October 2017 Week 13:  Friday 20 October 2017

· Details of Assessment


Write an essay to compare and contrast the different methods and processes of identifying community issues and community intervention strategies, highlighting the implications on Indigenous community work practice. This essay should be community based.  Preparation: To prepare for this essay you should first complete the readings and activities in Modules 1 to 4. You may contact the lecturer to discuss issue/s of concern in your community on which the essay is going to be based.


Your essay should be presented as a Word document, font size 12.  References should be formatted in CDU Harvard Referencing style. The essay  should be submitted through the Learnline Submission Point for Assignment 4 which is located at the bottom of this page.



· Assessment Criteria

The assessment criteria gives information on how your assessment will be marked.

Check the link carefully.

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