compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages to building green incuding two refrences to support the summary

Organization and administration of sport- class

compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages to building green
include at least two references to support the summary

Identify the advantages and disadvantages from a short and long term perspective when building “green.”
Be able to identify resources to support or refute the advantages of building “green.”
This assignment is a brief 1 – 2 page paper that compares and contrasts the different building methods. The building methods in question are traditional vs. building “green.”

Action Items
Before the scheduled Meet session, make sure your finish this week’s readings, and then prepare a 1 – 2 page summary in response to the following:
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages to building “green.”
Include at least two references to support your summary.
When working on your paper, using the following questions to guide your attention:
Does the paper evaluate the advantages/disadvantages of traditional building and building “green”? What are the long term vs. short term impacts?
Does the paper follow APA format?
Is the paper supported by scholarly research?
Is the research valid?

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