Compare and Contrast Essay Help Assignment

COL 140 Summary & Response (compare & contrast)


Instructions: Compare and Contrast Essay Help Assignment


  1. In this assessment, there are two tasks: a Summary (part one) and a Response (part two).
  2. Part One: Read the passages below and write a short summary for Text One (approximately 70 words). The first sentence should introduce the source, state the main idea and contain a citation. The remaining sentences should summarize the most important sub-points of the text.
  3. Part Two: In a focused, unified, and coherent paragraph answer one of the prompts. Develop your main idea using the compare and contrast rhetorical mode.



  • Think about the audience to whom you are writing.
  • Any supporting ideas taken from the source for your response must be paraphrased. Do not use direct quotes. Provide an in-text citation for sources you use in your response.
  • Edit your papers carefully.


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