compare and contrast

In what free time you have, I ask that you watch TV. Believe me, I know I’m asking a lot, and it may prove difficult and arduous, but sometimes we can get relevant sociological information from television. Anyway, while watching TV, I would like you do so with eye for depictions of gender and race roles and norms. Thus, watch a television program or movie that was filmed before the 1970s (and set in the time of its filming, so no period pieces), and one that was filmed after 2010 (and set in the time of its filming). In a short response (two pages or so), compare and contrast the depiction of gender roles and behaviors. What aspects have remained the same, what has changed? Do you find the changes to be significant? Why or why not? Keep the following in mind while completing the assignment: Be sure to include the details of the programs watched, including the Title and Year of Release. You can provide a brief synopsis of the plot if you think it is necessary, but this isn’t a film review. The goal isn’t to tell me what the program/film was about or whether it was good or bad. Try to rely more on specific examples rather than generalities (e.g. X character always had their eyes downcast when interacting with Y character, instead of X character seemed subservient at times). Regarding gender, it is not necessary to focus strictly on women, but rather the whole range of role and behaviors we deem as either masculine or feminine. Regarding race, feel free to use your discretion in what you choose to focus on.

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