Company Evaluation-AG BM 308W

AG BM 308W

Company Evaluation



Company Name: (list company name here)



Maximum Points

  1. Company Background

Using the information from the One-Page Summary Memo:         5

  1. Describe the company background/products
  2. Market position


  1. Company Analysis (maximum 70 points)

Please label and designate a separate paragraph for

each section

  1. Identify the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses

(at least two of each)                                                                       10

  1. Identify opportunities and threats from the external

environment** (at least two of each)                                            10

  1. SWOT Analysis** with conclusions and implications             10
  2. Analyze corporate-level strategy (include SCA:

Source of Competitive Advantage or Sustainable

Competitive Advantage)                                                                 10

  1. Analyze business-level strategy             10
  2. Analyze the company’s structure and control

systems. Who is the CEO; what are the major business

units? Include stock chart and financial metrics            (at least 2

of the following ROIC, revenue, net income, P/E ratio)                        10

  1. Make recommendations: different goals, strategies?

(with reasons); include buy or not buy rationale

and 2 quotes from stock analysts                                                 10


  • Quality of Written Presentation             5

Clarity of Presentation—did your writing engage the

reader, was it concise, did it lead to your conclusion?

  1. Effective use of bullets, bold, and underlining can

help accomplish this.

  1. Each spelling, grammar, and punctuation error will

reduce grade by a point.


Total Points                                                                         80


** A good way to do the external analysis is to examine each of the five forces given in Porter’s Five Forces Model.

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