Comment the Discussion (Class 502 Unit 10 Comment 1

Purpose: Comment the Discussion (Class 502 Unit 10 Comment 1

Thing to Remember:

Answer this discussion with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources.

1 References, find resources that are 5 years or less

No errors with APA format 6 Edition

To Comment


Nursing philosophy is a broad term encompassing many different views and ideologies.  Every nurse and advanced practice nurse (APN) has a working philosophy that is used when caring and treating for the patient, family or community.  As mentioned in the Philosophies & Theories for APN textbook, philosophy is derived from the Greek term philosophia meaning a love of wisdom and a love of critical inquiry (Butts & Rich, 2018).  Being an APN, one needs to have an enjoyment of wisdom, continual learning and inquiry due to the ever-changing, healthcare environment.

The last 9 weeks of learning nursing theories of different theorist such as Florence Nightingale, Dorothea Rem and Hildegard Peplau have shaped and defined my own theories on advanced practice nursing.  It seems that I do tend to pick bits and pieces from a lot of theorists and disciplines to help combine it to my own values and philosophies when working as a nurse.  With models for practice, I do not believe that one really has a use for it in the “real nursing” world.  In my years of experience as a nurse, I have never had a co worker, leader or hospital system bring up models for practice.

My philosophy as an advanced practice nurse has become more fine tuned and I am more cognizant of the importance of understanding the nursing theories.  As an Family Nurse Practitioner I understand that I would be working with a diverse population and patients of a diverse age range, so being able to apply effective communication skills and cultural competence to all that I come in contact to is important.  Often times I do remind myself that in nursing patients may forget about you as a nurse, however they will never forget how you make them feel and ultimately as an Advanced Practice Nurse I would like to promote holistic care that is empowering the patient towards achieving high level wellness.


Bender, M. (2016). Clinical Nurse Leader Integration Into Practice Developing Theory to Guide Beset Practice.. Journal Of Professional Nursing32(1), 32-40.

Butts, J. B., & Rich, K.L. (2018). Philosophies and theories for advanced nursing practice (2nd ed.). Burlington, MAJones & Barrett Learning.

Stanford, P. E. (2016). How can a competency framework for advanced practice support care?. British Journal Of Nursing25(20), 1117-1122.

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