colony update

Colony Update Five You are a state now. You began as a colony and now you are a state in a new country. Sadly, a new country means new problems. How damaged was your state after the Loyalists left? What specific rights did your citizens have, according to your state constitution? Did you agree with the loose control the Articles of Confederation had over the country, or did you support the shift to a strong central government? How did your state deal with the economic problems after the war? (IE – did you raise taxes, did you enforce communal use of goods, did you introduce tariffs?) How did your state react to Shays’ Rebellion? Was your state convinced this rebellion was an indication that things needed to change? If not, was there something else that convinced you – or did your state want to stay with the Articles? When you were presented with the Constitution, did your colony largely support the Federalist or the Anti-Federalists? If you were Federalist, why was their argument more convincing? If you were anti-Federalists, what points did you agree with them on? Now that there was a central government in charge, how did relations between your state and the Native Americans change?
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