College/University/Graduate School paper Help:grief and loss counseling services

Discuss grief and loss counseling services.

Develop a list of 5 organizations or community resources in your area that provide grief and loss counseling services, providing the name of the organization, contact info and services offered (No need to respond to others posts on this assignment). Original posts should be 200-250 words (please, no more than that!).

Part two


Write this 10 page paper in 3 sections;

1.) Connect your own grief and loss experiences with what you’ve learned in this course.

2.) Interview a person of your choice about that person’s grief and loss experience, connect what you learned in the interview to course content (See Grief Questionnaire you are to use in Appendix A – also attached on this page as a PDF for download).

3.) Synthesize what you have learned about yourself and about grief counseling from completing the assignment.

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