College/University/Graduate School paper Help:Explain what Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy entails.

.College/University/Graduate School paper Help:Explain what Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy entails.

  1. Explain what Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy entails.
  2.  Using the rational-emotive behavior approach to therapy, apply the A-B-C method mentioned in the course lecture notes to either a real life situation that you have experienced or create a scenario to illustrate how the realization of beliefs influence the consequences of behavior. Be sure to clearly label each component (A)ctivating event, (B)elief, and (C)onsequence in your example to show how they relate and the progression of the behaviors.  Then take the ABC model full circle and include the (D)isputing and the (E)ffect of the  disputing process. Clearly explain in detail how each step in the ABCDE process is playing out in your scenario.
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