College/University/Graduate School paper Help: How did the war affect the southern economy by 1863? 

College/University/Graduate School paper Help: How did the war affect the southern economy by 1863?

Compare conscription in the North and in the South.  What were the results of the draft?  Was the draft the best way to face he manpower situation both sides were facing?  Discuss the criticisms of the draft — is the draft constitutional?

 How did Vicksburg become such a major focal point of the war in the West?

What were the political criticisms that President Lincoln faced during the war?  Did Lincoln effectively counter these arguments between the extremes of the Radicals and the Copperheads?

Discuss the issue of civil liberties during the Civil War.  How was the issue of habeas corpus handled?  Why were Lincoln’s actions either appropriate or constitutional or neither?

How did the war affect the southern economy by 1863?  How did this affect southern society?  What were conditions for southerners on the home front, and how did this affect the overall war effort?

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