College/University/Graduate School paper Help: Explain Searle’s Chinese Room thought experiment.
Based on the readings of Hume and Searle, compare humans to both animals and computers from a psychological point of view. How is animal thinking similar to our own, according to Hume? Do you agree with his claim? On the other hand, how is computation fundamentally dissimilar to human thinking, according to Searle, despite the fact that computers generate “intelligent” outputs? Explain Searle’s Chinese Room thought experiment. Does it prove his point that computers don’t think? 2. Descartes, Locke, and Leibniz each had a theory about what happens to the mind during sleep. Explain the theoretical differences, as well as the similarities (there is a point of agreement between Descartes and Locke, and between Descartes and Leibniz). Which theory do you find most convincing, and why? Remember to discuss Locke’s response to Leibniz’s theory: The notion of unconscious thinking during sleep, Locke claimed, has the absurd result of creating two persons in one body (see Locke’s example of “sleeping Socrates” and “waking Socrates”). Is this a good point against Leibniz? *Use attached readings as sources, no outside sources! Remember to provide citations for any quotes from the readings or lectures. I would recommend, however, that you restrict your sources to the readings and lecture material. Also, I would prefer to see quotes from the readings as opposed to the slides.