College/University/Graduate School paper Help: apply the Christian Worldview and the practice of the academic major to five areas of life: 

College/University/Graduate School paper Help: apply the Christian Worldview and the practice of the academic major to five areas of life:

Need a Capstone Paper written 8 pages. APA Format no Plagiarism.

The following should be incorporated in the Capstone Paper:


Christian Worldview Capstone Paper 

Purpose of this Assignment 

The purpose of the Christian Worldview Capstone Paper is to have all the students express how they intend to apply the Christian Worldview and the practice of the academic major to five areas of life:

 Vocation, Academic Major, and Career

 Church Membership

 Singleness, Marriage, & Family

 Community Service & Citizenship

 Stewardship


Preparation for the Assignment 

To prepare for this assignment, students should first read God at Work: Your Christian Vocation in All of Life by Gene Edward Veith, Jr. 

2.  Lectures ( I have attached lectures that need to be incorporated in the paper)

3.  Cycle of Violence (include and discuss all topics) Idols, Idol denied, Violence, Regret

4. One – two paragraphs on each topic:

A. Adultery

B. Addiction

C. Domestic Violence

D. Marriage and Divorce

E. Remarriage

F. Vocation

G. Violent Speech

H. Singleness


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