College Papers- Describe how the various health components of the public health infrastructure have contributed to the gains described in the readings and resources. Which components were most important?

Describe how the various health components of the public health infrastructure have contributed to the gains described in the readings and resources.  Which components were most important?


Requirements:  Minimum of two full pages of text in length.  Please ensure you cite your references in APA format. Three Reference


Baker,Edward L.,,Jr, Potter, M. A., Jones, D. L., Mercer, S. L., & al, e. (2005). THE PUBLIC HEALTH INFRASTRUCTURE AND OUR NATION’S HEALTH1. Annual Review of Public Health, 26, 303-18.


Lumpkin, J. R., & Richards, M. S. (2002). Transforming the public health information infrastructure. Health Affairs, 21(6), 45-56.


Lavinghouze, S. R., Snyder, K., M.P.H., & Rieker, P. P., PhD. (2014). The component model of infrastructure: A practical approach to understanding public health program infrastructure. American Journal of Public Health, 104(8), e14-24.

Russinova, Z., Rogers, E. S., Ellison, M. L., & Lyass, A. (2011). Recovery-promoting professional competencies: Perspectives of mental health consumers, consumer-providers and providers. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 34(3), 177-185.

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