College Paper Writing Service-What does “progressive taxation” mean? What is your opinion about the role of government regarding taxation? Should we worry about taxes that have a regressive effect on the taxp

College Paper Writing Service-What does “progressive taxation” mean? What is your opinion about the role of government regarding taxation? Should we worry about taxes that have a regressive effect on the taxp

1. What does “progressive taxation” mean? What is your opinion about the role of government regarding taxation? Should we worry about taxes that have a regressive effect on the taxpayer?

2. As a society, should we worry about the distribution or income or simply allow market forces to make that determination. What do you think would happen if there was no attempt to influence the distribution of income and wealth…would the distribution: stay the same…become less concentrated…become more concentrated in the hands of fewer people?

3. We hear many politicians suggesting that lowering taxes will always increase economic growth, create more jobs and ultimately mean more tax revenue. Is this true?

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