College Paper Writing Service-What do you see to be the potential strengths and weaknesses of policy borne of compromise?

College Paper Writing Service-What do you see to be the potential strengths and weaknesses of policy borne of compromise?

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell (DADT) was an example of a public policy that was a compromise between the Clinton administration and its opponents in Congress and the military. Compromise sometimes yields good policy, but sometimes it produces internally inconsistent and counterproductive policy. The LGBT Rights social movement worked hard to repeal this policy, even though many in the government and the military were not ready to remove the policy.

  1. What do you see to be the potential strengths and weaknesses of policy borne of compromise?
  2. The 18-year process of repealing DADT suggests that policy termination can be a lengthy process. Should policies be inherently difficult to terminate, especially those rooted in public attitudes?
  3. Describe at least one direct (i.e. direct action against DADT) and one indirect (i.e., shifting cultural attitudes) way that the LGBT rights social movement supported the repealing DADT.  ?
  4. In general, how can a social movement help to implement or repeal a public policy?  What is another example of a social movement implementing or repealing a policy?
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