College Paper Writing Service-What affect has the prevalence of credit/debit cards had on the spending patterns of individuals?

College Paper Writing Service-What affect has the prevalence of credit/debit cards had on the spending patterns of individuals?

Do you have home or auto insurance? If so, are your insurance premiums too high? What can you do to lower your premiums?

Should people that rent a house or apartment have renter’s insurance? Why or why not?

Have you ever filed an insurance claim? Was it a good experience? Why or why not?

Credit cards and/or debit cards are increasingly replacing cash and checks as a means of payment. Do you think this is appropriate? Why or why not?

What affect has the prevalence of credit/debit cards had on the spending patterns of individuals?

Do you believe the prevalence of credit/debit cards has had a positive affect on the U.S. Economy? Why or why not?

Provide two unique examples of a behavioral economics situation in real life. It could be a “nudge” the illustration of “framing effects”, “anchoring” etc. Make sure you explain why people are psychologically motivated in the particular way that you suggest.

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