College Paper Writing Service- Under what conditions do revitalization movements occur? Do any of these conditions exist in the United States?

College Paper Writing Service- Under what conditions do revitalization movements occur? Do any of these conditions exist in the United States?

What do you think of the role of the church in theEuropean witch craze? How has the Catholic Church in more modern times dealtwith such issues in its past as the Inquisition and the Crusades? Does themodern church bear any responsibility for these past actions?

In many cultures witches are equally male or female, but in Europe and America witches are predominantly female. What was the underlying gender ideology that made this the case? Do you think this is still true? If so, to what extent?

Under what conditions do revitalization movements occur? Do any of these conditions exist in the United States?

In what ways are the Satanist and Wiccan religions similar? In what ways are they different?

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