College paper Writing Service-Short Film Analysis

Assignment One: Short Analysis (target word count: 900-1250 words)

Description: This exercise will cover Weeks 1-4 in the course and will involve close film

Relationship to Learning Objectives:
This assignment will involve the topics studied in the first part of the course. It will
enable you to develop your analysis and critical skills. It will also improve your written

Post your assignment to Blackboard (click “Assignments and Turnitin,” then the “Short
Analysis” link) no later than 11:59 pm on Friday, April 6th.

STEP FOUR: OPENINGS & CLOSINGS (target word count: 200-250 words)
Describe how the film you selected (a) begins and (b) ends, then compare the two,
answering the following question in the process:
• Do the film’s opening and closing indicate something about the film’s form
and/or its intended effect(s) on viewers?

STEP THREE: DEVELOPMENT (target word count: 200-300 words)
In a paragraph form, answer the following question:
• How do the principles of film form you noted and described in Step 2 affect the
development of the film?
Consult resources like this one,, for more
information about how to structure and compose a paragraph.

STEP TWO: FILM FORM (target word count: 300-400 words)
Review the ‘Principles of Film Form’ as outlined in Film Art, pages 62-68. Take note of
the following in relation to the film you selected for analysis:
• Similarities/repetitions (for details, see Film Art, pages 63 & 66) – Which
elements or patterns repeat throughout the film? List and describe at least three.
• Differences/variations (for details, see Film Art, pages 66-67) – Which elements
are contrasted and/or oppose one another? List and describe at least three.

STEP ONE: PLOT SEGMENTATION (target word count: 200-300 words)
Select a film screened in Film 101 during Weeks 1-4 (Magnolia, Atanarjuat: The Fast
Runner, Thelma & Louise, or Rear Window). Complete a plot segmentation of the film
you select (see the Wizard of Oz example on pages 68-69 of Film Art).
NOTE: It is perfectly acceptable to complete the plot segmentation with another student
enrolled in Film 101 as long as you note the name of the co-author in your
submission. Step One is the only part of the assignment you can complete with another
student; Steps Two through Five should be completed individually.

Assessment Criteria:
• Completion of the set task in a clear, direct, relevant, and complete manner
• Evidence of familiarity and understanding of assigned readings and screenings
• Ability to present clear and well-chosen examples
• Quality and fluency of your expression
• Understanding and correct application of terms and concepts used in film analysis

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