College Paper Writing Service-Principles Of Marketin
Can you re-create Hydrox through a name change?
- What kind of brand name could go head-to-head with Oreo? (Most people unfamiliar with Hydrox think it is a cleaning product.) Make a list of three to five possibilities and explain them.
- Can you modify the original formula to make something new and more competitive? Will a brand extension work here? Why or why not? Be sure to describe what you are proposing in marketing terms found and appropriately applied from Chapter 10.
- How can you package your renewed sandwich cookie to make it more attractive on the shelf than Oreo? What about package size? Draft a brief packaging plan for the new Hydrox (or whatever name you chose). You can research what other competitors are doing, present those ideas with proper referencing and present your idea, explaining why you think your idea is workable and important.
- Lamb , C., Hair, J., & McDaniel, C. (2015). MKTG. Principles of Marketing. Independence, KY: South-Western, Cengage Learning.
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