College Paper Writing Service- Identifying And Solving Traffic Jams

College Paper Writing Service- Identifying And Solving Traffic Jams

Your role is that of a concerned member of the community seeking to remove a safety hazard or danger you have observed. You should have strong personal knowledge and experience with the location you are discussing and the problem you feel needs to be fixed. While I have specified a traffic problem, you might choose another type of problem that you feel the city needs to address, but it must obviously be something that the city government has control over.

You may address it to the most relevant city official or department if you wish.

To persuade the city government to take direct, immediate action to address a dangerous safety issue you have observed. This will likely require the expenditure of money and use of city resources, so you must be very convincing that THIS problem is more serious than other problems and complaints that the city is dealing with or intending to deal with at the present time.


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