Identify how homeless veterans w/severe mental illness can benefit from a Critical Time intervention group?
What are three key values or benefits of using a group approach with this population? Examples are feeling normal, opportunity to hide, evoking different and new aspects of ones personality, creating new behavioral norms, imitating behavior, all of us are smarter than any one of us, development of social skills, appreciating diversity, getting the job done, empowerment.
Using models and theories of group practice, what type of group approach would you propose? Require 3 references
A. In the agency context? Department of Veterans Affairs
B. In the community context? Homeless Shelters, Public Housing
C. In the client context?
Identify and briefly discuss three readings from the course that were particularly useful in developing your plan and beginning strategy. 3 references
Discuss your plans for an initial group session or describe how you conducted the first session. What are/were your goals for these initial sessions? Incorporate anticipated statements and anticipated reactions of the group members.
Based on the Skill Inventory in the Standards for Social Work Practice with Groups, discuss three critical skills you used, or expect to use in the beginning stage of the group. The Standards are available at:
What challenges do you anticipate and what are your strategies to address them for a proposed group that has not met. Keep in mind that they are Homeless Veterans with severe mental illness