College Paper Writing Service-economics for decision making

College Paper Writing Service-economics for decision making

The assessment for this unit consists of two assignments and a final examination. The assessment is designed to test your understanding of issues and principles raised in the topics being studied.

The first assignment consists of five questions based on topics covered in the early part of this unit. The second assignment is a report on the Australian economy. The purpose of these assignments is to give you the opportunity to demonstrate the skills you have acquired in this unit. You will need to start gathering information for the second assignment almost immediatelythe session starts.

Assignment due dates and the examination period provided here apply to the Australian study period. These may be varied for students studying elsewhere, please confirm dates with your local tutor.

you should keep a copy of all submitted materials. It is important that you that you keep your receipt from Turnitin (it is sent to you once you submit your assignment) and make sure your score is acceptable. You will be able to check your Turnitin score more than once but be aware the first time you submit your assignment you will receive a score very quickly however your subsequent results may take up to 24 hours to get to you..

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