College Paper Writing Service-Discuss what is happening currently between the United States and other countries (China, Mexico, Canada, South Korea, EU) with regards to trade tensions.

College Paper Writing Service-Discuss what is happening currently between the United States and other countries (China, Mexico, Canada, South Korea, EU) with regards to trade tensions.

Discuss what is happening currently between the United States and other countries (China, Mexico, Canada, South Korea, EU) with regards to trade tensions.

You can pick one specific country (China might be the easiest as there is more news out there about the US and China moving towards a trade war).

You will want to find background information about past trade wars to be able to inform your discussion about the possible impact that the current trajectory might have on the United States and the other country.

If you choose topic 2, it is much more free form than topic one. However, it is more current even driven so you will have to research recent actions taken by the Trump administration and retaliatory actions taken by other countries.

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