College Paper Writing Service -Discuss some of the specific requirements that Kantian duties of justice place on us in times of famine.

College Paper Writing Service -Discuss some of the specific requirements that Kantian duties of justice place on us in times of famine.

Explain the Universal Formulation of the Categorical Imperative (i.e. what it is and how it is supposed to work). Then apply it to the issue of whether one has a duty to help others (see p. 109-10 for Kant’s treatment of this question).

Explain the 2nd formulation of the Categorical Imperative (the Humanity as an End in Itself). What is the difference between treating a person as a means and treating a person as a mere means? Construct a simple example that illustrates the difference. Apply this formulation to the question of whether one has a duty to be honest to others.

From Onora O’Neill’s essay “Kantian Approaches to Some Famine Problems”, explain the difference between the requirements of justice and beneficence in Kantian ethics.

Discuss some of the specific requirements that Kantian duties of justice place on us in times of famine.

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