College Paper Writing Service-Describe the physical processes influencing climate and weather.

College Paper Writing Service-Describe the physical processes influencing climate and weather.

The scientific method is useful in problem solving and decision-making in a wide variety of fields, including Criminal Justice. In this assignment, you will demonstrate how a Criminal Justice Professional might use the scientific method to make decisions and solve problems.

1. Explain the steps of the Scientific Method

Explain the steps you would take to test your hypothesis. This could be collecting specific data (be sure to provide examples), or designing an actual experiment that you could use to decide whether your hypothesis is correct or not. You do NOT need to actually carry out any experiments here, or collect evidence, etc… just explain what you WOULD do in as much detail as you can.

Explain why this testing method should work. What would a successful test of your hypothesis would look like? How would you know that you have successfully proved your hypothesis? What would tell you that your hypothesis was WRONG?

Discuss additional steps you could take if your first test was successful, and additional steps you might take if it was unsuccessful- maybe you need a new hypothesis!

  • Apply concepts in physical sciences to evaluate current trends and issues in the modern world.
  • Describe the physical processes influencing climate and weather.
  • Use technology and information resources to research issues in physical sciences.
  • Write clearly and concisely about physical sciences using proper writing mechanics.
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