College Paper Writing Service-Describe how total quality management (TQM) principles and tools can be used to improve quality in the latest line of products in the context of the case study.

College Paper Writing Service-Describe how total quality management (TQM) principles and tools can be used to improve quality in the latest line of products in the context of the case study.

List the major categories of supply chain risk and associated risk reduction tactics. How could the company mitigate exposure to supply chain disruptions caused by natural disasters? For example, consider the 2011 earthquake and tsunami that devastated parts of Japan.

Summarize the following theories: just in time (JIT), Toyota Production System (TPS), and Lean. How are these concepts related? Describe the advantages and disadvantages for using each of these concepts at the company presented in the case study.

 Describe how total quality management (TQM) principles and tools can be used to improve quality in the latest line of products in the context of the case study.

Draw a hypothetical process (time-function) map for producing a recently released (within the past two years) product manufactured by the company. As an operations manager, how will you use the value map? Be sure to include your process map within your case study analysis.

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