College Essays-When using creativity to generate new concepts, should our focus primarily be directed to external markets? Why, or why not? Defend your answer and offer a specific example to support it. 

College Essays-When using creativity to generate new concepts, should our focus primarily be directed to external markets? Why, or why not? Defend your answer and offer a specific example to support it.

(TCO 1) List the four components that describe the entrepreneurial innovation model. Which component is the most critical to success? Defend your choice. (Points : 25)

Question 2.

2. (TCO 2) One search strategy used to discover innovation opportunities is termed Deep Dive. Define Deep Dive as a search strategy and briefly describe a limitation associated with it. Illustrate one way in which advocates of the Deep Dive approach to innovation can mitigate the significant limitation associated with this methodology.(Points : 25)

Question 3.

3. (TCO 3) When using creativity to generate new concepts, should our focus primarily be directed to external markets? Why, or why not? Defend your answer and offer a specific example to support it. (Points : 25)

Question 4.

4. (TCO 4) What is product liability? How might it impact a firm? (Points : 25)

Question 5.

5. (TCO 5) Innovation activities influence strategic planning and sales forecasting. Is there a single best generalized innovation strategy that will optimize strategic planning and sales forecasting? If yes, explain the strategy. If no, explain why not. (Points : 25)

Question 6.

6. (TCO 6) When developing products, what does the term relative advantage mean? Explain why management teams should be concerned about a new product’s relative advantage. (Points : 25)

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