College Essays-What are some of the training and development challenges associated with high employee turnover? · Why should a task

College Essays-What are some of the training and development challenges associated with high employee turnover? · Why should a task

Analyze and discuss the following questions about cross-cultural and diversity training and share your findings with your classmates.


· What are some of the training and development challenges associated with high employee turnover?


· Why should a task analysis be performed to address the specific content addressed in a diversity training program?


· Why would it be important to participate in a cross-cultural training before a business trip out of the country or an international assignment?


· What are some critical success factors for these programs?


· Do you have any personal experiences with diversity and/or cross-cultural training? If so, please share about your experience(s). If you do not, what reasons do you think that your past work experiences did not include such activities?


· How important do you think this type of training is for you personally? What areas do you feel would be crucial for you to personally develop?

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