College Essays-Trading strategies with options

College Essays-Trading strategies with options

Trading strategies with options

Analyze details about the companies and show option trading strategies with the payoff equations and graphs. See the following guidelines:

 Describe each company’s business and prospect and show all analyses including the following measures: Past 6-month trend (graph), beta, standard deviation, and the expected price range (+- one sigma, 68% chance) based on the normal distribution. This is minimal requirements. You may add more measures or statistics from your own analysis. Then, show your expectation about the stock price and why

Based on your analyses above, make an appropriate option strategy for each company. Take the bull spreads. Use only April call options and justify that dividends will not be paid until the end of the option’s maturity.

On April 20th (expiration date), calculate profit or loss based on the underlying stock’s closing price.

Make a final report by adding profit or loss calculations.


use these sources:

Choose two company, one is NetFlix:…

another is Asure Software:

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