College Essays-Project Initiation & Payback Analysis

College Essays-Project Initiation & Payback Analysis

Project Initiation & Payback Analysis

Create a project initiation form (using a standard format and font that you design) which includes the elements described below.

• Product scope description – describes the characteristics of the product, service, or result that the project was undertaken to create.

• Project objectives – include the measurable success criteria of the project (can include cost, schedule and quality targets).

• Project requirements – the conditions or capabilities that must be met or possessed by the deliverables of the project to satisfy a contract, standard, specification, or other formally imposed documents.

• Project boundaries – identifies generally what is included within the project. Also states explicitly what is excluded from the project.

• Project deliverables – tangible, verifiable work products.

• Product acceptance criteria – describes the process and criteria for accepting completed products.

• Project constraints – lists and describes the specific project constraints associated with the project that limits the team’s options

• Project assumptions – lists and describes the specific project assumptions associated with the project scope and the potential impact of those assumptions if they prove to be false.

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