College Essays-Prescribe substantive approaches for ensuring that the integration of the technology reflects the instructor’s cyberlearning literacy.

College Essays-Prescribe substantive approaches for ensuring that the integration of the technology reflects the instructor’s cyberlearning literacy.

State standards and objectives: Discuss one (1) overarching instructional goal of the lesson or training episode. Subdivide the instructional goal into three to five (3-5) objectives that the learners should be able to accomplish at the end of the proposed lesson or training episode.

Select strategies, technology, media, and materials: Given the content, learner analysis, the statement of the instructional goal, and the corresponding objectives, develop at least three (3) instructional strategies geared toward integrating the chosen emerging technology into the proposed lesson or training episode. Prescribe substantive approaches for ensuring that the integration of the technology reflects the instructor’s cyberlearning literacy.

Utilize technology, media, and materials: Develop a plan for utilizing the emerging technology and related media and materials. The plan should outline a brief description of how you would follow each of the 5 Ps discussed in the Smaldino et al. text.

Require learner participation: Develop at least three (3) activities that map to the learning objectives.

Evaluate and revise: Establish relevant evaluation criteria by which you would measure the achievement of the overarching instructional goal. Establish one (1) benchmark that constitutes the successful integration of the emerging technology into the chosen setting.

Provide at least five (5) sources that document detailed information about the integration of the selected emerging technology into various educational contexts (i.e., K-12 or adult education settings). The sources must be within the last five (5) years.

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