College Essays-Operation Gatekeeper Written Analysis

College Essays-Operation Gatekeeper Written Analysis

Operation Gatekeeper Written Analysis

Operation Gatekeeper  was implemented in 1994 and was aimed at halting illegal immigration at the United States–Mexico border focusing on the area near San Diego, California.  Operation Gatekeeper made additional funds available to the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) for the purpose of paying for additional manpower (almost doubling the number of USBP agents) and for more fencing and underground sensors. Operation Gatekeeper was setup to be implemented in two phases which included:

First phase-focused on the border, from the Pacific Ocean to the San Ysidro Port of Entry.

Phase two-consisted of the appointment of Alan Bersin as the Attorney General’s Special Representative on Southwest Border Issues and the establishment of the first Immigration Court just inside the San Ysidro Port of Entry. The court expedited hearings and deportations of aliens apprehended attempting to enter the U.S. illegally. Phase two also included the introduced of IDENT, which is an automated biometric identification system, to facilitate identification of repeat offenders and aliens with criminal records/ warrants.

The merits and drawbacks of Operation Gatekeeper were debated extensively, including be reviewed in Congressional hearings.  Many said Operation Gatekeeper was nothing more than the “militarization of the U.S.-Mexican border” and alleged it was due to NAFTA increasing the illegal immigration into the United States.



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