College Essays-Model UDL Lesson Plan

College Essays-Model UDL Lesson Plan

Begin preparing for this assignment by selecting a specific model lesson from the Explore Model UDL Lesson Plans (2011) page of the website. Analyze the lesson for the points described in the Content Instructions included with this assignment, below. Click on the “UDL Connections” buttons located at various points in the lesson to analyze how UDL principles have been integrated. Next, create your assignment to meet the content and written communication instructions below. Use the Grading Rubric to review your assignment before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance with this assignment, review the Week Three Instructor Guidance page and, if needed, contact the instructor for further clarifications using the “Ask Your Instructor” discussion forum.

Content Instructions

Lesson Description (1 point): Include the title of the model lesson, the subject, and grade levels, and a one-paragraph introduction of the lesson.

Principle 1 (1 point): In one to three paragraphs, describe ways that multiple means of representation are included in the model lesson.

Principle 2 (1 point): In one-to-three paragraphs, describe ways that multiple means of action and expression are included in the model lesson.

Principle 3 (1 point): In one to three paragraphs, describe ways that multiple means of engagement are included in the model lesson.

Reflection (2 points): Close your essay with a personal reflection that addresses the following four areas:

A description of at least two concepts or strategies from the lesson that serve as a means to motivate learners

A description of how, overall, the lesson models differentiated instruction

A discussion of how your understanding of and appreciation for instructional planning has changed as a result of your analysis,

At least one specific concept or strategy from the lesson that you would consider applying to your own practice and the potential impact it may have on the population you serve.

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