College Essays-Middle Age Development

College Essays-Middle Age Development

Use your module readings and the Argosy University online library resources to research the stages of adult development proposed by Erik Erikson and Daniel Levinson. Locate at least two peer-reviewed articles that examine these theories.

Jeff is 23 years old. He recently graduated from college with a business degree and took a managerial position with a midsize company. He likes his coworkers, but often finds himself bored with his work. Although he was active in college, recently he has gained about 10 pounds due to his sedentary job and lack of time to exercise.

Jeff broke up with his college girlfriend after graduation, and since then he has dated a few different women, but hasn’t had another serious relationship. Jeff wonders what the remainder of his 20’s and his 30’s will bring”

Jeff is now 50 years old. He is still overweight and has developed both high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes. At the same time, Jeff has some accomplishments. He is the CEO of a midsize company that he built from the ground up.

However, he works long hours and does not spend as much time with friends or vacationing as he would like. Still, he lives a comfortable life and is married, with two children. He has a daughter in college and another who is a senior in high school.


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