College Essays-Identify the relational conflict styles, patterns of behavior, and conflict rituals that define a given relationship.

College Essays-Identify the relational conflict styles, patterns of behavior, and conflict rituals that define a given relationship.

· Identify the relational conflict styles, patterns of behavior, and conflict rituals that define a given relationship.

· Demonstrate how you could use the win-win approach in a given conflict.

· Assess the effectiveness and appropriateness of using the win-win approach.


1. Follow the instructions below as a guide to dealing with an interpersonal conflict facing you now or one that you have faced recently.

2. After completing the win-win steps, record your conclusions in the space provided.

Step 1: Identify your unmet needs (i.e., the situation, the person(s) involved, the history, etc.). 1pt

Step 2: Make a date. (Choose a time and place that will make it easiest for both parties to work constructively on the issue.) 1pt

Step 3: Describe your problem and needs (behavior, interpretation, feeling, consequence, intention). Avoid proposing specific means or solutions at this point. 1pt

Step 3A: Ask your partner to show that s/he understands you (paraphrase or perception-check). 1pt

Step 3B: Solicit your partner’s point of view/clear message (behavior, interpretation, feeling, consequence, intention). 1pt

Step 4: Clarify your partner’s point of view (paraphrase or perception-check as necessary). 2pts

Step 5: Negotiate a solution. 1pt

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