College Essays-Identify 5 different ways that parents can become involved in your classroom and describe each opportunity

College Essays-Identify 5 different ways that parents can become involved in your classroom and describe each opportunity

Create a  newsletter for parents/guardians of your preschool classroom. In the first part, you will welcome them to your class and invite  them to become part of the learning experience.   You may create special events or simply identify opportunities during the school day where they may participate.

The second part of your newsletter will contain information on local resources and services that families may need or find helpful.  Helping families connect to the community can further increase student success. Include resources that can be found in your area. 


Identify 5 different ways that parents can become involved in your classroom and describe each opportunity. Be sure to include a wide variety of ways parents can participate..

Identify 5 different resources and services available to help families in the community.  Briefly describe each service as well as provide pertinent contact information.

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