College Essays-Explain what type of federalism you believe the Democratic Obama administration appears to favor.

College Essays-Explain what type of federalism you believe the Democratic Obama administration appears to favor.

Explain how the cases of McCulloch v. Maryland and Gibbons v. Ogden helped to define the Constitutional powers and federalism during the country’s early years.

Examine the potential  conflict among the following:  the necessary and proper clause, concurrent powers, the supremacy clause, and the 10th Amendment that contribute to arguments over what the proper balance should be between the states and the federal government (you do not have to address all of them, just pick a couple)  Explain.

After examining the various types of Federalism discussed in Chapter 3, explain what type of federalism you believe the Democratic Obama administration appears to favor.  What type would the Republicans controlling the House of Representatives seem to favor?

Explain which type of federalism you most favor and why.

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