College Essays- Explain Adams’s theodicy concerning horrendous evils, why it requires an afterlife to work, and specifically why it requires universalism.

College Essays- Explain Adams’s theodicy concerning horrendous evils, why it requires an afterlife to work, and specifically why it requires universalism.

How does one’s belief in the existence of a benevolent and loving God answer the evidential problem?

Explain the balance between faith and reason in applying the GE Moore shift to the evidential problem.

Explain Adams’s theodicy concerning horrendous evils, why it requires an afterlife to work, and specifically why it requires universalism.

 Why is hell a problem?

Explain the annihilation solution to the problem of hell and possible problems with it.

Explain the mild-hell solution and how it is a version of the free will theodicy.

What is the main criticism of the “free will” aspect of the mild-hell solution and how do supporters of the solution respond to the criticism?

What is the problem of divine hiddenness and how is it an argument for atheism?

What are 2 solutions to the problem of divine hiddenness?

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