College Essays-Evaluate the effect of attitude, personality, and goal setting on work performance development. 

College Essays-Evaluate the effect of attitude, personality, and goal setting on work performance development.

Course Description Presents an overview of the challenges associated with workplace expectations regarding business etiquette, appropriate use of technology, and proper attire. It is designed to assist students in gaining knowledge of how to appropriately communicate with others and how to effectively deal with conflict, teamwork, and accountability in a fair and ethical manner. The basic skills necessary for obtaining a job and achieving success in today’s challenging economy and increasingly competitive work environment are enhanced through this course.

Course Textbook Anderson, L. E., & Bolt, S. B. (2016). Professionalism: Skills for workplace success (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should be able to:

Evaluate the effect of attitude, personality, and goal setting on work performance development. 

Describe the impact of time management in the workplace.

Explain the meaning of ethical behavior in the workplace.

Analyze the advantages to an organization offering quality customer service and human resources.

Analyze techniques used to promote effective communication, accountability, and positive relationships within the workplace.

Explain the dynamics of teamwork, to include motivation, conflict resolution, and leadership.

Construct a resume package that demonstrates methods for highlighting job-related skills. 8. Critique interview techniques.

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